PS4 HDMI Port Faults

We are the best repairers of the PS4 HDMI Ports in Cardiff

We repair more hdmi ports for the ps4 than we do laptops and desktop pc’s combined per week. Why is there such an issue with these ports?

Poor Design

The ports have issues with pins becoming loose over time and generally cannot withstand having a hdmi cable plugged in more than 20-30 times. In most situations this is fine, but if you move it from TV to TV quite a bit, you will encounter this problem eventually.

Why are our repairs the best?

We do not cut corners and only use the best quality parts. The original ps4 hdmi ports have various weak points, these have been resolved on our replacement ports. Please see the comparison below taken from the supplier of our ports:

We also only use top quality leaded solder and flux by amtech, providing strong solder joints with no reason to return for repair in months to come. We prevent the issue from reoccurring and are only happy to return the console to you once it has passed our rigorous “wiggle” test.

The Wiggle Test

Yes, it is as it sounds, not very technical but this is the best way to ensure the port is perfect. A strong, fast wiggle and tug on the HDMI cable while the console is on should not result in a blackout or pixelation. Should we encounter anything at all we check our solder joints again and ensure everything is absolutely solid. If you do go to another shop or workshop for your ps4 HDMI port repairs, please do this test to ensure you have a lasting repair (not too hard now!).

How Long Does it Take?

We repair hdmi ports within 24 hours of the unit being dropped off. We offer a purely local service and you only deal with the technician dealing with the repair.

How Much Does it Cost?

£60, all inclusive. You will not find this cheaper in Cardiff with the same hassle free, same day, highest quality repair.